Friday, December 28, 2012

The Bird-Theme on a Budget Party

Our youngest has a July 30th birthday - can you say mosquito infested HOT yard? An outdoor party was out of the question but I still wanted to have it at home. She was turning two, which meant mostly toddlers and their older siblings over to the house for a short morning play-date type party. I wanted to celebrate her in the theme so I asked myself what does little Jaycie Lynn love? Birds! She's always been fascinated with birds and loves to go in the aviary at the zoo. So I put together this simple bird-themed party for my baby:

First I googled for bird templates, selected one, then printed a bunch on card stock to cut out and make this fun mobile out of:
*We liked this so much it stayed in our living room until we put up the Christmas decorations!
Then I got some cute little birdhouses at the craft store for $1 each and painted them for decorations:


On pinterest I found this awesome owl softie and decided to make them as the take-home gift for the kids. They have a rice pack inside them. Pop them in the microwave for 10-20 seconds or so and the are all toasty warm for bedtime cuddling!

I lined them all up on the mantel for extra decorations and then surprised everyone by passing them out as gifts at the end. Fun!
I'm no baker but, with some encouragement from my mother-in-law, I decided to try my hand at a homemade birthday cake. It came out WAY more pink than I planned but we rolled with it and baby loved it.
A talented friend knitted these up as her gift to Jaycie. Aren't they cute?! If you had knitting talent I reckon you could make up something like this for a bird-theme party to add that hand-made touch.


  1. What kind of games did you play? Was it all just free-play or did you organize some activities?-Courtney

  2. Since this was for a 2 year b-day we just did free play. I set up the table top house I made in the dining room and we just made sure all of our toys were in their place before the party so that they'd be more inviting to the kids (since they all have a "home" on a shelf or in a drawer.) It was only an hour or so, then we did cake I think. I figured trying to wrangle toddlers into some kind of organized game would just end up raising the stress level for me and possibly the other parents too - so we just didn't attempt it.
